• Reiki II Workshop: Symbols/Practitioner with Jeannie Rabin and Monica Kmiotek

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    September 19, 2016
    Reiki II Workshop: Symbols/Practitioner
    with Jeannie Rabin and Monica Kmiotek
    Thursday, October 13th, 11:15am-12:30pm

    If you have already been attuned to the Reiki level I for self-care and would like to continue with your Reiki learning, this is the next step. In this workshop you’ll learn the first three Reiki symbols and their use. You will also receive another attunement enabling you to use the Level II symbols and become a Reiki Practitioner.

    The healing Reiki energy first found Jeannie Rabin and Monica Kmiotek, Reiki Master/Teachers in 2013. Since then, Jeannie and Monica have been conducting Reiki group healing nights, Attunements, Chakra balancing and body scanning in Westlake Village and Santa Rosa Valley.

    Please RSVP 805.379.4777
    Kaley Moore, Program Assistant
    kmoore@CancerSupportVvsb.org, (805) 379-4777