  • Member Discounts

  • Chamber membership has its perks! As a Chamber member you can enjoy a variety of discounts and special perks to save you time and money. 


  • Electronic Certificates of Origin 

    If your business ships products overseas and your customer requires a Certificate of Origin, the Chamber of Commerce can produce these documents electronically through our partnership with EssCert. All businesses have access to this service, and Chamber Members can get certificates at a significant discount.

    To learn more about EssCert and Certificates of Origin, click here.

    For more information contact Jennifer Bradbury at jbradbury@conejochamber.org. 


  • Discounted Harassment Prevention Training For All Employees

    Currently, businesses with five or more employees must provide training for their employees.

    The Greater Conejo Valley Chamber has partnered with CalChamber to provide current members with access to harassment prevention training at a 20% discount and available to take on multiple platforms; perfect for remote workers.

    Click Here to gain access to the program information. To take advantage of the discount, please contact Heather Macaulay hmacaulay@conejochamber.org and mention "priority code" or call the chamber at 805.370.0035 and mention "priority code".