  • Hypnosis Rising

    • Wellness
    (805) 775-6716
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    About Us

    In trance, your whole mind is engaged in problem solving. That experience can be an exhilarating exploration – or descend into exhausting anxiety. At Hypnosis Rising, I help my clients focus trance to read more
    • About

      In trance, your whole mind is engaged in problem solving. That experience can be an exhilarating exploration – or descend into exhausting anxiety. At Hypnosis Rising, I help my clients focus trance to achieve wholeness and growth.

      As a hypnotherapist, I address mental discomfort as a disconnect between our conscious, social ambitions and our subconscious concern for wellness. To facilitate the negotiation of those goals, I engage clients in dialog to reveal the roots of their inner conflict. As a scientist and spiritual seeker, I help clients choose their direction with insights from psychology, philosophy, and the great world religions.

      Hypnotherapy is self-improvement. In my trance work, I represent the client’s most cherished aspirations. When those have taken root, I offer meditation and self-hypnosis as life skills. Should medical conditions or self-control inhibit progress, I collaborate with licensed clinicians.

      You are the owner of your mind. Come to Hypnosis Rising to learn how to cultivate its powers.

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